Modoc, Indiana is home of the two most dominate Shorthorn Bulls of the Bred, CF Trump and CF Solution, along with a growing number of herd sires that impact the breed in the past, present, and future. The following bulls are currently part of our herd bull line up and are also reference sires to many popular pedigrees in the breed.

SULL Pay Attention 2221
sire: KL Prime Time Paymaster
dam: Sull Red Rosemary
BW: 1.3 • WW: 15 • YW: 26 • MILK: 5

RG WG Damn Proud
sire: Jake’s Proud Jazz 266L
dam: WG RC Gold 002
Date of Birth: February 9, 2010

JSF Hot Wire 70A
sire: Free K-Kim Hot Commodity ET
dam: GFS Red Cloud 028
Date of Birth: March 15, 2013

CF Twilight
sire: Jakes Proud Jazz
dam: CYT Revival 625 S ET
Calving Ease Sire

sire: WHR Sonny 8114 ET
dam: CF DZ Fool 770 BS
Owned with: WHR Shorthorns, Robinett Family Cattle and Simon Farms

cf solution x *x
sire: CF Trump X
dam: NPS Desert Rose 004
Date of birth: March 19, 2003 • Polled
A full brother to the 2004 National Champion Female, HD Ruby 903 ET *X, and HD Bloodstone 603 *x, who is producing the perfect female. Solution is eye appealing, big bodied, and a perfect structured bull.
owned with: Sullivan Farms
Semen: Not Available

hd bloodstone 603 *x
sire: CF Trump X
dam: NPS Desert Rose 004
Date of birth: March 20, 2003 • Polled
A full brother to the 2004 National Champion Female, HD Ruby 903 ET *x and CF Solution X *x. Bloodstone is producing, stout, hairy, moderate cattle with look.
owned with: WHR Shorthorns, Jeff Sargent, Han-Du Farm
SEmen: Not Available

Cloud 9
sire: Vegas
dam: Diamond Helena Dottie
Date of birth: March 7, 2010 • THC Carrier
Owned With: Schaeffer Show Cattle, Jordan Acres, Boyert Show Cattle, Henderson Cattle, Simon Farms
Semen: Now Taking Orders

sull gncc el dorado
sire: CF Trump X
dam: K-KIM Mona Lisa 35L
Date of Birth: January 9, 2007 • Polled
Owned With: Gana-Nisley Cattle Company, Sullivan Farms

CF Sonic
sire: Ar Su Lu Tonic
dam: CF Carmele TP 021 X
Date of Birth: March 15, 2006 • Polled

CF Flex
sire: CF Solution
dam: CF SnowHill Ruby
Date of birth: March 15, 2010 • Polled
Show Bull of the year 2010

cf trump x *x
sire: Phildon Cunia Dividend
dam: CF Carmele NG NG 158X
Date of Birth: March 15, 1993 • Polled
Bred at Cates Farms. Trump has sired more National Champions than any other bull in the Shorthorn breed. Trump has been Sire of the Year seven times!
Owned With: WHR Shorthorns, Jim Cooper
Semen: Not Available

CF Firestone
sire: HD Bloodstone
dam: CF 4 Queens TF X
Date of Birth: January 7, 2006 • Polled
Owned With: Smokey Mountain Farms

ar su lu tonic 480 *x
sire: DFS Rider Eagle 176x
dam: Ar Su Lu First Rapture x
Date of Birth: April 1, 2004 • Polled
The new outcross, low birth weight bull that can still produce cattle that will excel in the show ring.
Owned With: WHR Shorthorns, V8 Shorthorns, Caney Valley Farms
Semen: $50/unit (minimum of five units) — foreign marketing rights available.

SB PFC Proud Venture
sire: DunBeacon Venture
dam: SS Augusta Pride 361
Date of Birth: March 8, 2007 • Polled
Owned With: Caney Valley Shorthorns, Little Cedar Cattle Company, Ben and Sharon Wilson